The Spirit of


We don’t take our name lightly. Working Together and Helping One Another was a guiding principle since the first step of this journey. It celebrates the telling of truths, both past and present, and ensures they are at the core of every message. At this time in history, when both the Provincial and Federal governments have committed to the implementation of the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, what could be more important that to work together and support one another?

Wiidookdaadiwin will not only offer a place of education, reflection and a celebration of shared history, but will also model a renewed way of collaboration based on truth and respect.

The Site

What will the Site Look Like?

The site will incorporate a number of features:

Gathering Spaces
Interpretive Signage
Viewing Deck
Security and Parking Lot
Indigenous Plantings and Education

Contact Us

c/o County of Simcoe Administration Centre1110 Highway 26 Midhurst, Ontario L9X 1N6

Phone: 705-726-9300
Toll Free: 1-866-893-9300

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